People who indulge in sugar-heavy diets are 70 percent more
likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those who shun the sweet
stuff. Drinking lots of soft drinks nearly doubles the odds. Possibly,
frequent, large doses of sugar are toxic to cells, causing damage that
leads to cancer.
Sugar makes you look younger
On the contrary, too many sweets can make your skin look older than
normal. Sugar is attracted to collagen, a structural protein in the
Normally, collagen keeps skin elastic and supple. But
it hooks up with sugar, its structure changes and it can’t do its job
properly, so you end up with a face that looks older.
Sugar causes Type 2 diabetes
Type 2 diabetes (the more common kind) develops from eating too much of anything, including too much sugar. After eating the body breaks down food (sugary or otherwise) into glucose.
much food translates into too much glucose, signaling the pancreas to
crank out high doses of insulin. This causes a pile up of sugar in the
bloodstream instead of reaching the cells where it belongs.
Fruit sugar is different from cake sugar
Sugar is the same to the body, even though fruit sugar is still better.
body treats the natural sugar in fruit and milk the same way it treats
sugar from cake and candy, breaking it down to glucose for fuel and
storing the excess as fat. But sugar from fruit gets absorbed slowly,
while sugar from cake and other simple sugars increases blood sugar to
levels that cause arteries to age
Sugar causes heart disease
Consuming too much sugar raises troublesome blood fats known as
triglycerides. When you eat more sugar than your body can burn, your
liver repackages it into fat, then takes that fat and dumps it into your
bloodstream, where it clogs up the arteries.
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